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Content writing workflow

·2 mins·
Kirill Chalov
Senior technical writer at Espressif
Table of Contents

Before you start writing

There are the following prerequisites before you start writing content:

Create and view an article

See also the official docs.

  • To create a new article, determine the path and run
    hugo new content <path/>
    # Example
    hugo new content blog/contribution-guide/
    This assumes that you want to organize the content as a leaf bundle (the usual way). You can also use the branch bundle.
  • To view the changes, in your project folder run
    hugo server

Add youself as an author

The default Espressif author is used:

  • If the author prefers to stay anonymous
  • For posts generated by scripts, such as automatic compilations, release notes, and so on
  • For articles generated with AI

In other cases, add yourself as an author. For this, do the following:

  • Create your author entry

    • At content/authors/<author-name>/, create your page
    • At data/authors/<author-name>.json, add your personal data
  • Add the following to your article’s YAML header

    showAuthor: false         # Hide default Espressif author
      - "<author-name>"        # List your name(s)

Write the content

This is totally up to you how you write the content as long as it is valuable for the community.

For writing and formatting conventions, the contributors at Espressif usually follow the Espressif Manual of Style and the Chicago Manual of Style. You might find these guidelines useful, but you are not required to follow them.

Use additional content types

Apart from the usual content types supported by markdown, such as visuals or code snippets, you can also include:

If you need other types of content, either create a discussion on GitHub or offer a PR with the required functionality. It will be very much appreciated!

Ask for review

To publish your content on the Espressif Developer Portal, please create a discussion in espressif / developer-portal invite reviewers from Espressif so that they can make sure your content is in-line with Espressif’s writing conventions.

After the review is done, create a PR following the content contribution workflow.


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2 mins