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Espressif Developer Portal

“Welcome to the Espressif Systems Developer Portal—your official hub for all good things, such as the ESP32 and more. Explore our extensive collection of articles, workshops, and tutorials to enhance your development journey with the latest tools and insights.”

Featured Articles#

Using ESP-NOW in Arduino
·14 mins
Arduino ESP-NOW Wireless Wi-Fi Esp32 ESP32-S2 ESP32-S3 ESP32-C3 ESP32-C6
ESP-NOW is a connectionless Wi-Fi communication protocol developed by Espressif for its microcontrollers. It allows for efficient, low-power, and low-latency peer-to-peer communication.

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Workshop Highlight

Dive into our latest workshops and master the skills you need to maximize the power of the ESP32.

Espressif-IDE Workshop
11 mins
Workshop ESP-IDF ESP32-C6 Espressif Ide
This hands-on series of workshops introduces the Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) through the Integrated Development Environments (IDE).

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New Chip Support Status

Here you can follow the current status of the new chip support in various Espressif SDKs and frameworks.

ESP32-C61 support status
4 mins
This page lists the projects in which the ESP32-C61 is supported. In the list below, the supported features are marked with a checkbox (✅), while unsupported features are marked with an hourglass (⏳).

Upcoming Event

Stay tuned for our upcoming events!

Meeting ESP komunity - podzimní edice 2024
2 mins
event announcement community meeting czech transcript only
New event! Další komunitní event se blíží # Ano! Tento rok jsme se rozhodli uspořádat dva komunitní eventy.

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New Release: Espressif IDE 3.1.0
·3 mins
Ide ESP-IDF Eclipse Espressif Ide
Espressif-IDE # Today we announce the new version of the Espressif IDE, the version 3.1.0. This new version adds new functionalities and bug fixes.
Testing applications with Pytest and NuttX
·11 mins
Nuttx Apache Esp32 Pytest Testing
Introduction # Testing should be a primary focus in the development process of any embedded system.
How to Create an UI Application for the ESP32-S3
·9 mins
Esp32 ESP-IDF GUI Embedded Wizard ESP32-S3 ESP32-S2
The following article explains all necessary steps to create an Embedded Wizard GUI application suitable for the ESP32-S3-BOX from Espressif.
Matter: Improvements to Espressif DAC Provisioning Service
·2 mins
Esp32 IoT Matter
Espressif’s Secure Manufacturing Service, which was launched last year, has assisted many customers in simplifying their manufacturing.
Espressif SoCs and LCD screens: trends and solutions
·8 mins
In today’s rapidly evolving IoT landscape, LCD screens have become indispensable components of smart devices, providing real-time information and facilitating user interaction.
Using ESP-BSP with DevKits
·3 mins
Embedded Systems Esp32 ESP32-S2 ESP32-S3 Esp32 C2 Espressif Bsp DevKit
Introduction # The BSP (Board Support Package) from Espressif is ready to use package for selected boards (usually for Espressif’s and M5Stack boards).