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Kondal Kolipaka

GitHub Copilot Now in Espressif-IDE with Copilot4Eclipse
·2 mins
Espressif IDE GitHub Copilot IDE AI ESP-IDF
Espressif-IDE v3.0.0 — LSP Support for C/C++ Editor
·7 mins
News Espressif IDE LLVM Eclipse
How to use Wokwi Simulator with Espressif-IDE
·2 mins
2.9.0 Espressif IDE ESP-IDF Wokwi Espressif
What’s New in Espressif-IDE 2.8.0 and a Way Forward
·4 mins
Espressif-IDE 2.8.0 Espresif-IDE Bug Fixes Espressif IDE ESP-IDF Espressif Eclipse
Espressif IDE and What’s new in v2.4.0 — Part 2
·3 mins
Espressif IDE Idf Eclipse Plugin ESP-IDF Espressif Eclipse
Espressif IDE and What’s new in v2.4.0 — Part 1
·6 mins
V2.4.0 V2.4.1 Espressif IDE Idf Eclipse Plugin ESP-IDF Espressif Eclipse
Eclipse Plugin for ESP-IDF
·3 mins
ESP32 IoT Eclipse Plugins ESP-IDF