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ESP Privilege Separation — A Case Study

·5 mins·
IoT Security Embedded Systems
Table of Contents

In the previous post, we introduced ESP Privilege Separation, a framework to achieve “user-kernel” separation and isolation on ESP32-C3 SoC. There are multiple ways of applying this framework to your project. This post presents a case study of integrating ESP-RainMaker, a real-world IoT application, with the ESP Privilege Separation framework.

ESP-RainMaker offers a complete ecosystem to build connected AIoT products. Please refer to this link for more details.

Integrating ESP-RainMaker with ESP Privilege Separation

| — CMakeLists.txt
| — partitions.csv
| — protected_app/
| | — main/
|   | — CMakeLists.txt
|   | — protected_main.c
| — user_app/
  | — main/
  | | — CMakeLists.txt
  | | — user_code.c
  | — user_config.h
  | — CMakeLists.txt

Please refer to the “ Getting Started” documentation for a detailed explanation regarding the directory structure.

2. Placement of the ESP-RainMaker agent Based on the system call implementation, we have the following options to place the ESP-RainMaker agent:

  • Option1: ESP-RainMaker agent in the user application
  • Option2: ESP-RainMaker agent in the protected application

In this post, we will choose the second approach and we will also discuss certain implications in subsequent sections.

3. Component split between protected and user apps

The above diagram shows the overview of component split between protected and user apps. All the libraries like ESP-RainMaker, TLS stack, etc. are placed in the protected app and hence it does the bulk of the heavy lifting. User app is a lightweight application consisting of business logic.

The build system generates app_libs_and_objs.json file in the build directory, which represents all the libraries, its memory footprint, and corresponding object files included in respective applications.

4. System call implementation As we have decided to place the ESP-RainMaker agent in the protected app, we will have to implement system calls for all the public APIs provided by ESP-RainMaker. The ESP Privilege Separation’s easy extensibility features allow you to add application-specific custom system calls, which is documented here, and we shall use the same feature here.

For example, esp_rmaker_start()* *is one of the APIs exposed by ESP-RainMaker. After we move ESP-RainMaker in the protected app, all the calls to esp_rmaker_start() in the user app’s code will go through the system call interface. The following diagram shows the call trace when esp_rmaker_start() is called from the user app:

We can enable this by adding a custom system call as shown below:

  • Firstly, we need to implement a system call wrapper in the user app. The name of this wrapper should have usr_ prefix prepended to the system call name. In this wrapper, we use EXECUTE_SYSCALL macro to generate a synchronous exception and land into protected space. __NR_esp_rmaker_start is the macro for a system call number that will be generated by the build system.
esp_err_t usr_esp_rmaker_start(void)
    return EXECUTE_SYSCALL(__NR_esp_rmaker_start);

NOTE: The build system maps esp_rmaker_start to usr_esp_rmaker_start . This mechanism enables user app to perform a system call by calling esp_rmaker_start.

  • Now we need to implement the protected app system call handler. This handler is called after a synchronous exception is generated. Protected handler calls the actual API and returns error code to the user space.
esp_err_t sys_esp_rmaker_start(void)
    return esp_rmaker_start();
  • To bind the user and protected system call implementation, we create a custom system call table in the example directory ( examples/ rmaker_switch/components/rmaker_syscall/rmaker_syscall.tbl) . We need to define four attributes in the system call table:1. A unique system call number.2. A common/custom attribute indicator for a system call. Please refer to the documentation for more details.3. System call name.4. Protected system call handler name.
1289    common    esp_rmaker_start    sys_esp_rmaker_start

This system call table file is processed by the build system to create the __NR_esp_rmaker_start macro that thus binds the user-app’s EXECUTE_SYSCALL call to the protected app’s sys_esp_rmaker_start.

The above example is just for demonstration purpose. Please refer to rmaker_syscall component for actual implementation.

5. User app implementation After implementing these system calls, we can use almost all the public APIs provided by ESP-RainMaker in the user app. We have implemented an IoT switch application using the services added in the protected app. The code for user app is available on the GitHub repository.

Comparing ESP Privilege Separation application with a traditional application

From the above numbers, we can observe that the total binary size of the privilege separation application is the same as that of a traditional application.

At the expense of little static memory usage, this framework allows us to decouple the monolithic firmware into two separate and isolated applications.

Running the application on ESP32-C3 SoC

After the user app startup code registers heap and console, it hands over the control to user_main. user_main function initializes the ESP-RainMaker agent, creates a RainMaker device, and starts the ESP-RainMaker agent in the protected app through the system call interface. The protected app manages Wi-Fi connection and provides all the RainMaker services.

2. ESP-RainMaker cloud connection: Once Wi-Fi is successfully provisioned and connected, the protected app establishes a TLS connection with the RainMaker cloud. Now our ESP32-C3 device is ready to receive events from the cloud. The protected app receives all the cloud events and triggers user space callbacks based on the configuration.

Future Scope


The ESP-RainMaker switch example is available in the ESP Privilege Separation Repository . Please give it a try and feel free to report any issues or feedback by raising an issue tracker on the GitHub repository.


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