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January 2020

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Instagram Newsletter
Esp Bot
Table of Contents

Happy New Year to all!

Everyone here at Espressif would like to wish you health, happiness and creativity for 2020! As ever, we shall continue working hard in trying to give you the best in the field of AIoT. The outgoing year has been an incredible one for our company. In 2019 we released ESP-WHO, our AI development framework, along with its accompanying development board, ESP-EYE. We also launched the ESP-Jumpstart framework to help developers convert their ideas into actual products as quickly as possible. And we also put ESP-Skainet, Espressif’s voice assistant, on the market. At the same time, we consolidated our collaboration with the Google Cloud IoT platform, Tencent Cloud IoT platform and Microsoft Azure IoT solutions.

Furthermore, we made an impressive debut in a field of 25 companies that launched their initial public offering on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR) of Shanghai’s Stock Exchange in July 2019. Last, but not least, ESP-BLE-MESH, our implementation of the SIG Bluetooth Mesh got fully certified by Bluetooth-SIG and at the same time other Espressif chips advanced their certification credentials, as shown below:

These are only a few of our achievements in 2019, but they are the basis of why we look into 2020 with a sense of hope and optimism. Our positivity is based on our work ethos, our passion for innovation and our openness to sharing our technological know-how with the rest of the world. In 2020 we shall continue working hard to take Espressif’s AIoT solutions to the next level. Our intention is to remain at the forefront of technological evolution.

Other topics you can read in this month’s newsletter include:

  • an impact analysis of a recent fault injection attack on ESP32 and the immediate action Espressif took to secure its SoCs even further;
  • the recent Bluetooth LE 5.0 certification of ESP32, which has given our chip greater stability and compatibility;
  • the recent qualification of ESP-EYE, ESP32-WROOM-32S and ESP32-SOLO-1 for Amazon:FreeRTOS.

Hope you enjoy reading this month’s newsletter. Keep sending us your messages and requests on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. We try to respond to all of your messages as quickly as possible!

Best wishes,John Lee.Senior Customer Support Officer

ESP32 Fault Injection Vulnerability — Impact Analysis

Security researchers have recently described a fault injection attack on ESP32, which may result in some security compromise and unintended disclosure of information. However, ESP32’s security design remains safe for the vast majority of our products. Click on the link below to learn how.

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ESP32 Is Now Bluetooth LE 5.0-Certified

Espressif’s flagship chip, ESP32, has recently passed the SIG Bluetooth LE 5.0 certification. This affirms that the protocol version supported by the ESP32 microcontroller has been upgraded from Bluetooth LE 4.2 to Bluetooth LE 5.0, which has higher stability and compatibility.

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More Espressif Products Get Qualified for Amazon:FreeRTOS

An increasing number of Espressif products are being qualified for Amazon:FreeRTOS. It was only yesterday (30th Dec.) that our AI dev board, ESP-EYE, as well as our ESP32-WROOM-32SEmodule got qualified, while last month our ESP32-SOLO-1 module got qualified as well.

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Originally published at


November 2019
·3 mins
Instagram IoT Newsletter
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October 2019
·3 mins
Instagram IoT Newsletter
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August 2019
·4 mins
Instagram IoT Newsletter
Hi everyone, Apologies for the typo in our latest newsletter, at the beginning of which ESP32-S3 was mentioned, instead of the correct ESP32-S2 .