Hi everyone,
The beginning of May found us celebrating not only this year’s Labor Day Festival, which was a four-day public holiday in China, but also the new phase of Espressif’s collaborations with Google and Microsoft. Our popular ESP32-DevKitC now enables an easy evaluation and development for ESP32-based products connected to the Google Cloud IoT Core. Similarly, our ESP32-Azure IoT Kit is dedicated to supporting Microsoft’s Azure IoT cloud services. We have recently added “Joint Development” to our dropdown menu under the “Products” tab on the landing page of our website, in order to offer our customers a detailed presentation of the two development kits mentioned above. You can also find a short description below.
ESP32-DevKitC-GoogleCloud-IoT is built around ESP32-WROOM-32Dand provides out-of-the-box Google Cloud IoT connectivity. This unbeatable dev kit enables rapid prototyping by being breadboard-friendly and feature-rich. We’re equally proud of our ESP32-Azure IoT Kit, which is a development kit designed with powerful functions, such as sensor data acquisition and cloud platform access, as well as a wide range of applications.
Other news you can read in this month’s newsletter include:
- ESP-IDF v3.2, the latest version of Espressif’s IoT Development framework, which has just been released;
- The ekey UNO finger scanner, an innovative security system, which has been based on Espressif’s ESP32-WROVER module and made in Austria;
- LyraT-Mini, a new development board that is small in size, yet highly versatile and powerful, which will soon be added to Espressif’s Lyra series; and last, but not least,
- The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide, Prof. Dragan Ibrahim’s new book about ESP32, which has just been published by Elektor.
Hope you enjoy reading this month’s newsletter. Keep sending us your messages and requests on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. We respond to all of your messages as quickly as possible!
Best wishes,John Lee.Senior Customer Support Officer
ESP-IDF v3.2 Released#

The latest version of Espressif’s IoT Development Framework, ESP-IDF v3.2, has just been released. This is part of our commitment to improve our IoT solutions, based on the results of our quality assurance procedures and the feedback we receive from the community of developers who use our chips.
ekey UNO: No More Keys with ESP32-WROVER#

The ekey UNO finger scanner is an innovative security system that has been based on Espressif’s ESP32-WROVER module. This biometric security solution has been developed in Austria by ekey, a top European company that creates high-tech access solutions. Since 2002, ekey has been entrusted by private households, leading companies and public organizations providing fire and rescue services.
New “LyraT-Mini” To Be Launched Soon#

Espressif has developed an ESP32-based audio development board which will be part of the Lyra series. The distinctive characteristics of the new board are its mini size (hence the name “LyraT-Mini”) and its single-mic wake-up interrupt. Moreover, it has a simple hardware architecture, a very competitive price and an excellent keyword recognition rate.
The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide#

Prof. Dogan is a seasoned electrical engineer and an IET Fellow. He has recently written a book about ESP32, which has been published by Elektor. The book’s title is The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide and it contains 59 projects based on Espressif’s popular ESP32-DevKitC development board.